I love music. I join a group of seniors and twice a week we come together and play
our guitar and sing. We are pretty good and we perform for the public. We started with 7 members
10 years ago, today we are 30 strong.. I'am the lead singer(not that great) and not that great in playing the guitar. lol.
But we have so much fun, the oldest member 93 years old.
It's great, the women in the group get a kick out of showing their grandkids they have learned to play
the guitar and sing. A beautiful group of folks from different parts of the world with one thing
in common, music. We are preparing for our summer festival for family and friends, last year we
had a full house so we will need a bigger facility to accommodate the guest.
I love seeing the expression on the faces in the audience, Wow!! look at grandma or grandpa and
they sound pretty good, I didn't know grandma could play the guitar.
Yes we are not dead yet....
We have over 200 songs we play and we are still adding other songs. New song "Sundown" G. lightfoot.